Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Lord Hethrir

And another piece of gossip. The Lord proved repeatedly that didn't the Empire blow up the planet Alderaan, but the Rebellion. I knew just this version too, but now I'm wavering.

Inquisitor Loam Redge

There is many gossip around the Emperor. For example this Inquisitor said me accidentally, the Emperor has a new, grandiosus plan. I wonder, what is it...

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

In Memoriam

I found a little gungan shrine near to the battlefield. I'm not a religious man anyway, but I lighted the fire inside in memory of the fallen.

Imperial casualties

Certainly there were casualties on the imperial side too.

Battle against Gungan

Near to the Retreat I saw a bloody fight between the Imperial Army and the Gungan natives. I don't know what was the reason, but there was no survival on the side of gungans...

Monday, January 17, 2005

Emperor's Retreat

The Empire try to exploit me shamelessly. Not enough for their to force me pilot a Tie, I have to make some ground mission against Rebel symphatisants... I think, they see everywhere Rebels. But I have no choise. Say, the Emperor is keeping an eye on me. I don't think, I must be happy about this...

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Last Sworddance

Tenshi confided me she will give up dancing. She didn't tell me why and it is really sad, but it may stand me in good stead. Maybe Jabba will talk to me again. He put me on blacklist when I helped his beautiful private dancer to escape from his palace. I didn't do much - just bribed some guards and gave her lift to Bestine - but she is a good friend of mine since then.

Monday, January 03, 2005

Lady Valarian

After some various works successfully done, I left the Lady by mutual consent. But she promise me, we remain in contact. She is a very well-mannered dame.

Saturday, January 01, 2005

Suns of Tatooine

I think I like better and better Tatooine. It's a wonderful planet.

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Dawn at Darklighters Estate

A little family lives hidden in the deep desert, the Darklighters. They were estonished, when I returned their grandpa's rifle to them.

Thursday, December 23, 2004

Life Day

An interesting holiday of wookiees. They celebrate the life, the freedom and everything in every year as they told me. It's like the Kraytmas day in Tatooine. Interesting...

Sunday, December 19, 2004

Christmas Crawl

After a tour through Theed, Bestin and Mos Eisley, our band with members from seweral guild arrived to the Krayt Graveyard. Thanks to the Jawas, a good stage and a huge party waited us there.

Monday, December 13, 2004

Sennex Cave

A dark cave can hide a lot of things. In this particular case a huge sceleton of something dangerous creature.

Sunday, December 12, 2004

Jawa city

When the little jawa sent me to their leader, I expected just a sandcrawler, not a whole city! Luckily for me they welcame me friendly, I spent the night with their, and finally I had a possibility to learn their language a bit.

Imperial spread

Of course the Empire must be there everywhere! They able to disfigure as a harmonious place as this oasis!

One more oasis

Somebody told me, Tattooine is a dry planet. Well, I allways find a lake in this "dry" planet. And I found a jawa too, who sent me to their leader, when heard my story about the tuskens.

Pool of Fort Tusken

This was a bad day to tuskens. And I found some clear water beneath the fort. Wonderful place...

Fort Tusken

I had enough of the continuous attacks of the tuskens in Bestine. They knock me out twice, so I went to Fort Tusken to punish them. Tuskens, I'm coming!

Friday, December 10, 2004


Of course there was his long-standing friend, Chewbacca too. He has a very silky fur...

Han Solo

It's one of my lucky day. I met with a famous smug... merchant, Han Solo. He is a kind man, gave me some good hint.

Thursday, December 09, 2004

My first band performance

This was my first performance with a great band, not alone, not in a smoky cantina. This was great with the Rori-Swingers in City of SMEG.

Sunday, December 05, 2004

Krayt Dragon Vs. Jedi

I will never place a bet against a Jedi once more...

Semi-finished building

I don't know... It's too small for house, too big for a kennel... I think, they leaved off it, because they botch up this.

Tatooinian Bite

To find a lake on the Tatooine is a very rare event. I celebrated it with a little fishing.

Saturday, December 04, 2004

Join to the Rori-Swingers

I joined to the Rori-Swingers Guild. I'm looked for a long time a neutral guild, and I think this entertainer band is it. Furthermore many of the founder members are long known.

Thursday, December 02, 2004

Mysterious shrine

What a peacefull place... and this strange feeling...

Agony of a titan

It was a heart breaking spectacle... from a safe distance.

Herbivore hunting

My doc said to me, the tatooinian herbivore meat will do me good...

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Saving hostages

The job and the payment is good till now. Saving hostages, hunting pirates, who make more difficult the life of the honest merchants... I have no reason to complaint.

Sunday, November 28, 2004

The beginning of the duty

I keep it delaying in vain, I have to start the duty to the Empire. Other way the will confiscate my yacht again.

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Burnin' Sandcrawler

Not just the dragons are dying nearby. The natives are killing each other too... khmmm... I've got a tickle in my throat because of this smoke...

Krayt Dragon Graveyard

What the hell was able to kill so many dragons here? I think, just the ages...

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

The "Hollow Path"

Almost unbelievable... but I got back my yacht! After filed a tons of petitions, went begging from door to door, the Empire gave it back to me. By the way, it demands a high price, I have to work to them as a pilot for a while.

Monday, November 22, 2004

And stretch...

The best training for the femoral muscles.

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Coronet Afterparty

I got bored with the rain, the disinterested mob and roast chickens... I go back to Tatooine.

Saturday, November 20, 2004

Corellian fishing

Silence, peace, rest... and my gumboots doesn't leak either.

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Chicken hunting

I hunted these miserable chickens all week long, because I have to establish my wealth, thanks to the Empire, I have nothing.

Monday, November 08, 2004

Ithorian bodyguards

...but they are too prominent, so I didn't hire them.

Sunday, November 07, 2004

The Mighty Pit of the Sarlacc

This little one tickles my sole...

Saturday, November 06, 2004

Sceleton of the Ancient Krayt Dragon

I don't want to meet a creature like this for a long time.

Friday, November 05, 2004

Lars Homestead

This house was burned down because of the droids too. At least now this characterless house is more separeted from its surroundings.

Escape Pod

Supposedly there were two droids in this. The Empire looked for them very much. I don't know, I shoud never sit into a tiny pod like this... after all, this junk fell...

Thursday, November 04, 2004


I spent the first nights in the wilderness. Clear, dry air, millions of stars... I like it. This little critter joined to me around that time. She liked the heat of my fire and the leftovers of my dinner, I think. She is still with me.

Ben Kenobi's house

I heard, the old man was a hiding Jedi. Nobody saw him for a long time. I think, he had been found.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Bestin Sight

So this is planet Tatooine. Dunes, dust, stone houses. At least it's not raining.
Ok, till I get back my ship, I can look around here too.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Confiscated yacht

Damned Empire! They confiscated my good old yacht! Now they are sending me to a dusty planet with some refugees... great.


No, mister officer, I wasn't smuggling, I swear. I'm just a delivery man... I had no info of the content of that crate...